ATS Automated Training Systems has been the market leader of IBM Midrange Interactive Training materials since our incorporation in 1970. We had established ourselves as a provider of high quality alternative to classroom training. Although we now also offer a very wide range of both Scheduled and Tailored Classroom courses.
We pride ourselves on offering competitive, effective, convenient training solutions, so if you need self-study, classroom, on-site or virtual training make ATS your "one stop shop" for all your training requirements. We can arrange it all for your company with just a phone call.
If the course you require does not appear on our website please contact us, it may be on our drawing board
Check out our latest courses VMWare
Tel. 020 8648 4000
Fax: +44 (0)20 8648 4388 Email:
We have also been an IBM Education Business Partner since 1993 and can also give advice and book our customers on the entire range of IBM Education offerings. In addition, we have through partnership also developed a comprehensive range of services and products designed to meet the needs and requirements of all our customers across a broad range of Operating platforms.