ADO.Net for Developers Part 2 - ADO2


Course Outline
Completion of ADO.NET For Developers Part 1 is recommended before beginning this course. In the ADO.NET Part 2 training course from ATS, expert instructors Andy Baron, Mary Chipman, and Ken Getz continue their instruction in ADO.NET with more advanced topics. At the conclusion of this course, you will be familiar with how to use ADO.NET to connect with data sources and access and modify data.

Module 1

Section A: Exception Handling
Unhandled Exceptions
Exception Properties
Multiple Exceptions
SQL Multi-error Handling
SQL Exception
Informational Messages

Section B: Concurrency Conflicts
Blind Update
Update Criteria
Create SP
Multiple Entries

Section C: Concurrency Conflicts (cont.)
RefreshData Method
Save Changes
Passing Parameters
Error Handling
Stored Procedures

Section D: Transactions
Isolation Levels
Error Detection Rollback
Update Event Handler
Rollback Catch

Section E: Working with DataTables
Search Methods
Primary Key Multi-column
PK Dynamic Searches
Wildcard Searches
Delimiters Search w/Sort Row State

Section F: Sort/Filter w/DataView
Working with DataView
Sort Data Filtering
Data Filtering on Row State
Iterating through Rows

Section G: Search/Edit w/DataView
Finding a Row
Multiple Rows
Modifying Data
Adding a Row
Modify Existing Row
Delete a Row

Module 2
Section A: AutoIncrement
Property Typed DataSet
XML Schema Set In Method Missing
Schema Action
AutoIncrement in Action

Section B: Retrieving DB Values
Update Values
Insert Value
Retrieve Increment Value
UpdatedRow Source
RowUpdated Event
Data Adapter Event
Select @@Identity Generated
ID Retrieval

Section C: Reset Identity
Seed Delete/Purge DBCC
DBCC Check
Ident Reseed
Access/Jet DB
Multi-user Issue

Section D: Avoiding Conflict
Multi-user Updates
Seed and Step Successful Update

Section E: Merging Inserted Rows
Problems Solution Update
Process Getchanges
UpdateDataSource Skipping
Merge Process
Other Considerations

Section F: ADO to ADO.NET
Upgrade Wizard
Upgraded Application
Reference Libraries
Troubleshoot Upgrade

Section G: Binding ADO
Recordset Basic Concepts
Managed vs. Unmanaged
Interop Assemblies
ADO Recordsets
Manual Fill
Create Recordset
Use DataAdapter

Module 3
Section A: COM, ADO, and XML
Working with COM
Fill COM Component
Working with XML Stream
ADO Recordset

Section B: Call .NET from COM
COM Callable Wrapper
Create COM Class
Build Type Library
Call from VB 6.0

Section C: Call SQL - DMO
Working with SQL - DMO
Set Reference
SQL Books
Online Script
Selected Table
Create DataTable
Retrieve Information

Section D: XML Tools Overview
Load XML File
Data Tab XML Schema
Read XML Data
Write XML Data

Section E: Saving Data as XML
GetXML Method
Output Options
Mapping Type
WriteXML Method
WriteXML w/Schema
External Schema
DiffGram Format
Internal Schema

Section F: Load XML Data
Ground Rules
Infer Schema
Navigate DataGrid
Internal Schema
External Schema
ReadXML (DiffGram)
XML String to DataSet

Section G: DataSets and XML Overview XmlDataDocument
Typed DataSet
Manipulate Output
Using XmlDataDocuments
Format with XSLT
XSL Transform
Object Query
With XPath

Module 4

Section A: Data Binding Basics
What is Data Binding?
DataAdapter Bind
DataSet Bind to Array
Generate DataSet
Bind Controls to Data
Adding Navigation

Section B: Currency Manager Overview
Binding Context
Currency Manager
Class Working with CM
Single vs. Multiple

Section C: Events & Bound Data
Currency Manager Events
Event Handling Forms
Load Event
Modifying Data
Add and Delete
Submit Changes
Handle Edit Modes

Section D: DataGrid Controls
Bind DataGrid
Change Data Multiple Bindings
Hierarchal DataSets
Formatting DataGrids

Section E: Databinding Issues
Binding to DataView
Set DataView Properties
Multiple Forms
EditDetail Procedure
Binding Object Events
Binary Data Picture Box
Control Insert Binary Data

Section F: State Management
Web Applications
Classic ASP Threads/Cookies
Session ID
Using Cookies
Session Objects w/Cookie
Session State
Session State in Action

Module 5

Section A: Storing ADO.NET Objects
Storing Data Server Control
Using ADO.NET Objects
Using Session State Fill
Database Create/Save DataView
Displaying Data Event Procedures

Section B: Configure Session
State Configuration Files
Session State Options
Server Invoke Serialization Test
State Server SQL Server
Cookieless State

Section C: Caching Data
Application State ASP.NET Caching
Cache Data
Cache Methods
Cache Expiration
Cache ADO.NET Data
Remove/Expire Cached Item
ViewState vs. Caching

Section D: DataGrids
Controls Load
DataGrid Fill
DataView Sort Procedure
Bind Grid to Data View
DataGrid Properties
Hyperlink Columns
Query String

Section E: DataGrid Events Page
Event Sort
Event Edit
Event Update/Cancel Event

Section F: Repeater Control Overview
Construct Repeater
Data Binding
Data Binding Expression

Section G: Using Web Services Advantages
Create Web Service Web Method
Test Web Service
Web Reference Call
Web Service Type Definition
Web Services in Action

Price £795 (Bundle of 5)

Complementary Courses
ADO.Net for Developers Part 1
ADO.Net for Developers Bundle Series

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