Course Code: WORD
Talk about smiling managers and happy users! Now
you can create better looking, easier to read and understand RPG
report printouts with graphics, varied fonts, underlines, and
bolding using Microsoft Word with the iSeries!
Within a few short hours, you will tap into the
power of Microsoft Word on the iSeries.
This self-paced training comes with a source code CD and easy
to follow step-by-step instructions. Cool
iSeries stuff with Microsoft Word!
You will learn how
- Create Microsoft Word templates that contain graphics, varied
fonts, bold text, and underlined text that can be saved to
the Integrated File System (IFS) on your iSeries and copied
directly into OS/400 Database files.
- Create and use RPG programs to modify the contents of those
physical files, merge information from other files into the
appropriate documents (based on your organization's rules),
and then store them in appropriate folders on your IFS.
- Create the merged documents at a pre-set date and time from
the job scheduler or on-demand by choosing an iSeries menu
- Create buttons in Word that will print all the Word documents
in specific folders and then clean up the folders.
- Create better looking, easier to read and understand RPG report
printouts with varied fonts, underlines, bolding, and graphics.
- Use your iSeries to start PC programs that select menu options,
including opening Word documents and automating the compression
of files using Winzip.
This is cool stuff! Your managers and users will stand
up and applaud! Discover the power and functionality of Microsoft Word
on the iSeries. Microsoft Word with the iSeries is available for a Price
of £395.
Order Microsoft
Word with the iSeries now!
Order your copy today! Call us on 08700-541144